The APK Saver app has completely designed with a fresh look and feel to bring you more facilities and features, and better overall performance.
APK Saver let you Backup and save your installed apps to SD Card, if you have all APK Saver files then you don't have to download same apps again and again.
APK Saver can install/Restore Multiple apps from backup automatically one after another.
APK Saver can Uninstall/Delete Multiple apps from your Phone/backup.
This App allows you to see Details of your installed Application.
APK Saver can share your saved apps to anyone by bluetooth, wifi
APK Saver can send or receive anything using wifi p2p technology.
Die APK Saver App wird mit einem frischen Look komplett entworfen und fühlen Sie sich mehr Einrichtungen und Funktionen zu bringen, und eine bessere Gesamtleistung.
APK Saver Backup lassen und Ihre installierten Apps auf SD-Karte speichern, wenn Sie alle APK Saver-Dateien haben, dann müssen Sie nicht gleiche apps immer wieder herunterladen.
APK Saver können mehrere Anwendungen aus dem Backup automatisch nacheinander installieren / Wiederherstellen.
APK Saver können mehrere Anwendungen von Ihrem Telefon / Backup deinstallieren / löschen.
Diese App ermöglicht es Ihnen, Details zu Ihrer installierten Anwendung zu sehen.
APK Saver können Ihre gespeicherten Apps jemand von Bluetooth, Wi-Fi teilen
APK Saver kann alles mit Wi-Fi p2p-Technologie senden oder empfangen.
The APK Saver app has completely designed with a fresh look and feel to bring you more facilities and features, and better overall performance.
APK Saver let you Backup and save your installed apps to SD Card, if you have all APK Saver files then you don't have to download same apps again and again.
APK Saver can install/Restore Multiple apps from backup automatically one after another.
APK Saver can Uninstall/Delete Multiple apps from your Phone/backup.
This App allows you to see Details of your installed Application.
APK Saver can share your saved apps to anyone by bluetooth, wifi
APK Saver can send or receive anything using wifi p2p technology.